No more long road trips to drive up to the mountain for tubing with your friends or family – it is happening in Gaston County. Crowders Ridge outside Gastonia is your destination.
A fast & dry custom-created tubing chute with 250-foot lanes replicate a snow tubing experience, but without freezing your buns off.
Last year over 5,000 tubers showed up for this snowless tubing experience. This year it’s an even better tubing experience. Faster runs, smoother lanes, and a tunnel with lights. Between runs, take advantage of other amenities at Crowders Ridge like basketball, gaga ball, ping pong & carpetball. I mean really, how can you call it a complete tubing experience without gaga ball?

Please don’t feel guilty about having snow much fun, your experience will be raising money for two specific items at our Crowders Ridge Camp: to increase our camp scholarship assistance and to make capital building improvements. So go ahead and have a blast, we hope everyone attending the Chutes this year with their families will make this a holiday and winter tradition for years to come.
Crowders Ridge is located at 130 Camp Rotary Road, Gastonia. Sessions last an hour. Fridays and Saturdays from Nov. 23 to Feb. 16, plus Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 26 and 27. Registration ahead of time is required at crowdersridge.com/chutes/.
Gaston County offers visitors a variety of attractions to enhance your trip dining and entertainment parks, art and history and more.
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