After over a 20-year absence, ALCOVETS, in conjunction with Maverick Radio 95.1, is excited to announce the return of the balloon festival to Alamance County. The festival is being held at Cedarock Park, located 4242 R Dean Coleman Road, Burlington NC 27215, Friday through Sunday, September 9-11, 2022. This year’s festival will have balloon rides, a car show, a bike show, a 5K race, a kid zone, food trucks and craft vendors, and entertainment every night. There will be over 20 hot air balloons participating in this inaugural return of the festival. Additionally, on September 11th, there will be a ceremony to remember the events of 9-11.
Given the excitement of the balloon festival’s return, if you are planning to attend, please go www.alcovets.org/balloon-festival to learn more about the festival. At this site, you can apply to be a vendor, register for the car or bike show, schedule a balloon ride, or register for the 5K race. You are encouraged to purchase your vehicle parking pass in advance to minimize delays getting into the park. The parking pass is your admissions ticket to the festival.
ALCOVETS is a non-profit 501(c)(3) veterans organization located in Graham, North Carolina. Its mission is to provide outreach and host events to educate the public on the needs of veterans and to honor the veterans of Alamance and surrounding counties. The funds raised this year will go towards the construction of the Chesnut Ridge Campus, a veterans’ respite/retreat campus on the top of Bass Mountain.
If you know of a veteran in need, please pick up an application for assistance from veterans services located at 201 W Elm St, Graham or visit our website at www.alcovets.org. If you wish to become a volunteer or member of Alcovets, please contact us at alcovets@gmail.com or call 336-229-4225.