Burke County, NC
Burke County is known for its magnificent leaf-peeping trolley tours, its world-renowned breweries, and Apple Orchards, but did you know that the best holiday shopping experience is here too!
In Burke County, you can find it from that one-of-a-kind piece of art to that extraordinary painting or pottery, or are you looking for that unique wood or iron piece that no one else has? Shop small shop local is our motto of bringing you to our small towns and keeping the small towns alive while shopping with homegrown businesses.
While in Burke County, check out the Craft and Gift Show scheduled for November 12-13. Local Artisans from all over the Appalachian’s to show their wares. Decided to stay the night to enjoy more than one person can fit into one day? Take advantage of one of the spas for a relaxing massage before snuggling in for the evening.
Whether you are shopping for furniture, jewelry, pottery, or bowties, we have what you need here in Burke County.
For more on shopping in Burke County, call (888) 462-2921, or go online to: discoverburkecounty.com.
– the Destination Magazine Staff
The Burke County Tourism Development Authority is located in Morganton, North Carolina, and serves the tourism interests of Burke County, NC. Morganton is hailed as, “The Trailhead of Western North Carolina”, centrally located in Burke County. Our Visitor’s Center is full of information about unique attractions and activities in the area. Stop by and visit us! or visit www.discoverburkecounty.com

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