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Madelyn’s Big 5-OH! Party

31 March 2019

LIVE, at Brad & Tammy’s Listening Loft, we bring you the spectacle known as Madelyn’s 50th consecutive Birthday Celebration here on Planet Earth!
This Sunday afternoon soireé will feature a fun musical performance by the dynamically talented duo of Crystal Bright and Anita Lorraine Moore, teaming up by special request!
We’re sourcing some gluten-free, veg-friendly yummies from Madelyn’s all-time fave, “The Mediterranean Deli” in Elon, and beef sliders from “Maria’s” in Greensboro. If you’re inclined to bring a tasty treat to share, you are welcomed, but not required. Soda/mixers provided – BYOB on any other adult beverages you wish to imbibe/share.
Attire is ANYTHING GOES (but don’t get arrested by Reidsville’s finest, please!) – Facepaint, bodypaint, silly hats, chic chapeaux, glam gowns, kilts, tu-tu’s, unicorn horns are all appropriate – our security won’t stop you…
– AND – It’ll probably take some doing to stand out in a group photo of THIS crowd, so do it up right!
We’re also aware of the diverse group of creative gifts in play with this particular mix of people. Wanna bring an instrument and give us a song? Or perhaps sit in and jam with others who might want to do so? Spoken word – storytelling or poetry? Doesn’t have to be a tribute to the guest of honor, but certainly can be. Mainly, feel free to “do you” & also treat the rest of us to talents you’d like to share. Not different from most of our parties.
And a note on that, like most of our parties of late, there’s a strong “Kay T” component to this one. His framed photographs will be displayed for selection – a final gift from him to Madelyn, and to you. He worked diligently on framing his last two photo sessions with models in the house on Moon Lake. These gifts to our guests in his inimitable style will forever mark both this 50th Birthday Celebration and our BIG LOVE and appreciation for this incredible man’s presence in our lives.
2PM – to 6PM (ish… or whenever)
Invite-only please: If you think we’ve left someone important off the guest list, check in with us for a correction. If your date/mate isn’t on FB, then it is of course, fine to include them.

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March 31, 2019
2:00 pm