Enjoy the holiday’s pleasures a little too much? Stuffed to the gills from all those parties? Determined that this is the year to make a change for the better? Why not come out to Rural Hill and start 2019 off right with First Footin’ our annual walk and celebration of Hogmanay, or Scottish New Years?
Hogmanay (pronounced Hog-muh-nay,) this important part of the year combined both New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day with a celebration of good will and good fortune.
This event is FREE and open to all, but we do encourage everyone to bring something for the luncheon. (Remember, its bad luck to show up empty handed)
The walk around Rural Hill is a history lesson about one of the founding families in the region. Wear good walking shoes and appropriate clothing for the season.

It’s a vigorous walk around the farm’s 2.25 mile trail, event, and historic sites, stopping along the way to discuss history and folklore.
If you do not think you are physically able to do the walk, please come anyway. It’s a great time for fellowship at the Rural Retreat Cabin Site, which will be open for this occasion.
Suggestions for items to bring to the luncheon include fresh or canned vegetables for the soup, bread, dessert, soft drinks, tea, or favorite beverage (non-alcoholic), bowls, plates, napkins, eating utensils.
The walk starts at 11 and the stone soup blessing and feast at noon. To learn more about this traditional event visit: www.hogmanay.net
Historic Rural Hill
4431 Neck Rd,
Huntersville, NC 28078
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