Wilkes County, NC
One of the things that makes the Great State of Wilkes so great is the ability to enjoy outdoor activities all year long. The biking and hiking trails see plenty of traffic whether it’s during summer months with lots of shade or in the winter when the bright blue sky can be seen through the tall, barren trees.
We asked some Wilkes County folks to share their personal favorite winter hikes.
Wilkes Hiker Casey Billings,
Completed the Appalachian Trail 2022
Trail: Cedar Ridge Trail
I love to find a trail in the winter that offers solitude so I can experience the quietness of the forest in winter. One of my favorite places to hike in Wilkes is Doughton Park off of Longbottom Road in Traphill. In particular the Cedar Ridge Trail, which takes you from the parking area up to Brinegar Cabin. This trail is 4.4-mile one way or 8.8 mile round trip if you go all the way to the cabin and back. It is a beautiful trail any time of the year, but in the winter with the leaves off the trees you can see so much more. I have hiked this trail many times and never met another person, so if solitude is what you are looking for this is the trail to find it!
Wilkes Hiker Carrie Hatfield Trail: Mountain Loop at Stone Mountain.
Winter is a great time to hike the Stone Mountain loop trail! If you catch the day just right the sun warms as you hike. There are no bugs and very little crawling critters out on the trail. The loop takes you through the waterfall to the beautiful streams with the mountain laurel and rhododendrons line the trails. The best part of winter hiking is that the cool air refreshes you especially on the strenuous parts of the hike.
Winter Hiking Tips from the Old Farts Hiking Club, Wilkesboro
No matter what time of year you hike, it’s important to be prepared for the weather. That means a little different type of preparation in the winter than in the summer.
If it is dry and the winds are calm, don’t let cold temperatures deter you! Cold alone is not a real factor as you can layer on clothing to stay warm. Make sure your base layer is wool or a synthetic material. Stay away from cotton, as it takes longer to dry and can leave you feeling damp.
Windy days, however, can drastically change what the temperature feels like. Prepare accordingly, with a proper windbreaker jacket and pants.
Always wear a warm hood or knit cap, to help keep your body warm.
Be sure to keep water with you, staying hydrated is just as important in the winter as it is in the summer.
There’s a lot of great hiking opportunities just outside Wilkes County as well. The Old Farts tell us that on higher elevation trails such as those found at Elk Knob State Park, Grandfather Mountain, and Moses Cone Park, if you are lucky, you can hike in a wonderland of trees covered in crystals known as “Rime” or Hoar” ice which are formed under special cold weather conditions. You just have to be careful and avoid being under the trees when the sun warms up and the crystals start to melt and fall off!
–Thomas Salley
Experience the Great State of Wilkes with its stunning mountain views and small-town charm.
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