You’ll have to be a little crafty yourself if you would like to explore as much of downtown Morganton as you can in two days. Once you start your walk you will be amazed to discover how many unique culinary and craft boutiques there are to enjoy.
Chances are very good that when you enter any shop, that you will speaking with the owner. It’s amazing how much better the service is when the person who poured their heart and soul into the shop is taking care of you.
We wanted to make this a true walking tour shops, restaurants, galleries and tasting rooms so we booked a night at the newest and only hotel in downtown Morganton, the Fairfield Inn. And it was amazing! To have such a state of the art hotel in the middle of this historic community is wonderful. The rooms feel like something you would expect to experience in Peachtree or Downtown Savannah. However, when you walk to the window and glance out, it’s beautiful, safe, quiet Morganton outside your window.
Another thing you may see out your window is the original Fonta Flora Taproom. It’s just across the street, but you don’t want to go there just yet, it will throw off your timing for the whole weekend. Do you remember when I said you have to be a little crafty?
Most of the craft goods shop are closed on Sunday, but most of the craft beverage shops are open. So it makes the most sense to us that we would walk as many stores as we could on Saturday, and walk the craft beverage shops on Sunday.
So, we walked down Sterling Street past Fonta Flora, saving that for Sunday. As soon as you round the corner of the historic flat Iron building your bounty of shops, galleries, restaurants and a Morgantons’ only downtown winery are just ahead..
I won’t be able to name all the shops in this story, but I will touch on the variety you’ll find. Like Hot Box Vintage, A vintage store with a laser focus on “Cool” stuff. If your looking for an item that may have appeared in a Jane Fonda or James Coburn movie, you’ll find it here.
Not far down the road is Green Eggs and Jam. Vinyl records, vintage clothing, books, toys, weird stuff. Even more vinyl at Main Street Jams at the end of the same block.
Weird, cool and quirky is a theme in town, right along with Artsy and elegant. If you are looking for an off-line, support small shopping experience, this town needs to be on your list.
Morganton is not all Vintage. Cutting edge fashion and home accessory shops are all around town. Clothing with cutting edge styles and brands, like Benjamin’s & Libba’s where you will probably be greeted by Benjamin & Libba when you walk in the door.
Downtown has many choices if you are looking for something a little crafty for yourself or a gift. Craft’d offers craft beer and wine, by the glass, gourmet tea and coffee, while you browse handmade artisan crafts made by about a dozen local talented artists and crafters.
Across the street at Mountain Gallery and Gifts you can enhance your space with art from over 30 local artists.
If ceramics are for you, West Union Art Studios is a space for six gallery to showcase their work.
If you want to go big and bold with your purchases bring a tailor with you! Oak Hill Iron + Wood features eight highly trained blacksmiths and woodworkers who are continually creating the most imaginative works of art in hand-forged steel and live edge wood slabs.
Patterson’s Amish Furniture features American, handcrafted Amish furniture. Choose in-stock furniture, or design your furniture to your specifications.
Morgantons’ newest shopping experience Morganton General Store and Swede’s Café. Stocked with great gift ideas and tasty treats just like the general stores of yesteryear. Now serving Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner at Swede’s Cafe upstairs!
The culinary creations in Morganton are world class, and offers many more choices for dining than I could ever cover here, Chefs from around the world have settled in this creative foothills community creating memorable dishes.
On the craft beverage side of things, Reece Winery is located in downtown Morganton where all wines are produced onsite using grapes and juices sourced from California. You might miss it when you walk down the street, the Winery is located inside The Pub on Sterling. So you can do a wine tasting, grab some food and have a cocktail. They are closed on Sunday.
The craft beverage producers in town are all highly awarded regionally, nationally and internationally.
Fonta Flora is known for it’s field to fermenter technique of brewing beers. Beautiful tasting room in the old Morganton Bus Depot.
Just a few blocks away Catawba Brewing Company produces drinkable flagship beers of the highest quality. Creates unique, small-batch beers inspired by communities, folklore, and lifestyle.
Sidetracked is located just a few more blocks down the road in the old Railroad Station. Sidetracked is the newest of the breweries featuring 16 taps of awesomeness, providing Morganton with plenty of beer options!
Yes, craft beverages are big in Morganton, but not as big as locally produced goods and art. With all the outdoors activities, parks, lakes and trails its been a destination for people looking for a more creative, sustainable lifestyle for decades. It seems that the type of people who would gravitate towards an Asheville, N.C., Boulder, C.O. can settle and work in Burke County without putting up with the overcrowding.
So, before Morganton gets to big to enjoy and actually starts charging for parking. Visit downtown, experience upscale living in a historic downtown.
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