The 2019 Fireworks Friday Night will be held on June 28, 2019 in conjunction with Family Friday Nights Summer Concert Series.
Each year the Town of Valdese celebrates Independence Day by holding an impressive fireworks display on the football field behind the Old Rock School. Regarded as one of the most impressive fireworks displays in the area, the Town of Valdese sponsors this celebration with a brilliant light display that bursts at a lower altitude which allows for a variety of swirls and explosions. Plenty of ooohs and ahhhs for everyone!
2019’s Independence Day Celebration will kick off at 7pm with an opening performance by crowd favorite, Little Johnny Trailer Trash & conclude with The Ultimate Eagles Tribute Band – On The Border!
Main Street will close at 5pm to allow cars for the Myra’s Classic & Antique Car Cruise-In fill the downtown area.
Myra’s Ice Cream
212 Main St. West in Valdese, NC
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