Gaston County Travel & Tourism has created a free game pass to promote the Ridgeline Craft Beverage Trail experience and the eight individual businesses that are part of it in both Gaston and Cleveland counties. The Ridgeline Craft Beverage Trail derives its name from the Ridgeline Trail which connects Crowders Mountain State Park across Gaston and Cleveland counties.
By signing up for the passport and simply visiting the businesses along the trail, users earn prize credits. This opportunity is open to local residents and visitors alike. Pass holders checking-in at six of the eight locations over the course of the year are rewarded with a custom Ridgeline Craft Beverage Trail baseball hat produced and shipped on demand. Prizes are available while supplies last.
In a place known for an extraordinarily broad array of outdoor recreation choices, there is no better way to wind down after your adventures than relaxing with friends and family on the comfortable patios, decks and landscapes found at our partner locations. Whether situated in one of our vibrant downtowns, along scenic riverbanks or framed by the gorgeous views of mountain peaks and rolling farmlands, you will want to see these perfect post-activity recovery spots for yourself. Several include live music, full menus, food trucks and other events, but at each one, you’ll enjoy warm smiles and welcoming interactions with staff and fellow patrons.
From east to west, the businesses comprising our trail. All produce beverages right on location, the one qualifier needed to be listed on the Ridgeline Craft Beverage Trail.
Sign up and/or review additional information about this program at explore.gogastonnc.org