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Hey There River Friends

It’s your favorite river otter and RiverFest mascot Dan E. Smith here inviting you to come out to RIVERFEST on September 16 & 17.  It is going to be big splash here in Eden, North Carolina!!

We are going to be celebrating our two beautiful rivers – the Dan and the Smith. We just hope you are ready to have a mud-squashing good time!

The festival is held in Uptown Eden and there are going to be concerts, food, vendors, games, axe throwing, shopping and so much more. My special friends from the Dan River Basin Association will be there too. They help make sure the waterways are clean for me and my tail-wagging, splashing family plus they host trips for folks like you out on the river in kayaks and canoes to see all the beautiful things we call home. You might even see one of my family members when you’re out there. 

So, put your walking shoes on and come out and learn just how special our rivers are. While you’re there have some delicious food, visit with the butterflies, watch the Purina Dog Team Show, work through a giant obstacle course, throw an ax, listen to some music, and shop for some really cool stuff. The food is my favorite part!! I hear there is going to be barbecue, stew, kettle korn, frozen treats and so much more. It sure beats those crayfish I have every day!

RiverFest is the place you “OTTER” be and it’s guaranteed to be a boat-load of fun! Tell them Dan E. Smith sent you.

Come on out to our small-town and discover the Big Outdoors!

For more information – Contact Cindy Adams at 336-623-2110 or

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