Clean out your “Man Caves” and “She Sheds”! Meet at Ghostface Brewing in Mooresville, NC and set up your table/pop up tent for selling your unwanted or un-needed outdoor gear….kayaks, scuba, hiking poles, tents, climbing gear, backpacks, ski jackets, outdoor clothes, etc.
Some suggestions: set up your table with a friend or two…that way you can take turns walking around looking at other people’s gear. Place a price on ALL your gear. Make a sign or card with your name and phone number to attach to your table in case you need to step away for a bit. If you like, post photos on this meetup of special items you will bring. If you have a question about an item someone has posted please message them privately.
Many of you know the Nantahala Outdoor Center has their big yard sale the last weekend in September. We wanted to have this even BEFORE the NOC’s event.
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